This phone number has been used too many times error.
If you are not receiving the verification code, you may need to call 611 and request that they unblock "shortcodes" from sending you text messages.
If you are getting an error message that says, "This phone number has been used too many times" you need to wait 2-3 hours from your last attempt. Google has temporarily blocked you from requesting another code as it thought somebody was trying to hack you.
Alternatively, you may use another number for verification purposes. You can get a free number from Google Voice. Your messages will still come from your cellphone number.
If you need further assistance, tap the Help button in the app and chat with support.
If you are getting an error message that says, "This phone number has been used too many times" you need to wait 2-3 hours from your last attempt. Google has temporarily blocked you from requesting another code as it thought somebody was trying to hack you.
Alternatively, you may use another number for verification purposes. You can get a free number from Google Voice. Your messages will still come from your cellphone number.
If you need further assistance, tap the Help button in the app and chat with support.
Updated on: 13/02/2023
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